History of Black Girl Media
It started with a picture and a Facebook post. Our founder, Shana Black was working odd jobs at a community event with she got the idea of Black Girl in the CLE.
After posting the picture on her personal Facebook account the comments began flooding in, “I wish I had known about this,” Will this event take place again?, “You always know about everything that’s happening in Cleveland.”
The idea came, maybe I’ll go places and write about it and that was the beginning of Black Girl in the CLE, or flagship brand.
Since then, Black Girl in CLE has continued to showcase Cleveland’s culture and events and had expanded to producing events to re-engage African Americans into Cleveland’s social scene.
With the success of Black Girl in the CLE, we realized it was time to move from a passion project to a business. Black Girl Media was founded with the purpose to tell the stories of the underrepresented and to provide communities of color with needed information in a compassionate way.
Since then we’ve expanded to podcasting and video shows and become a platform for community members to tell their stories directly to the public.
Collaborations and Supporters
We’d like to thank the following organizations for their support
The Cleveland Foundation
Destination Cleveland
John Knight Center
First Draft
Eye On Ohio
American Press Institute
Pen America
Northeast Ohio Solutions Journalism Collaboration
Cleveland Observer
Pat’s Granola
Capo Steaks
Altogether Media
Vision Nonprofit Solutions
Conscious Consulting
Daybreak Yoga
Johnson Legacy Project
Center for Collaborative Journalism
Local Media Association